
Our company employs highly qualified specialists with many years of experience and deep knowledge of customs legislation.

By providing a high level of comprehensive service to our customers, we do not allow ourselves to stop for a moment.

Taking into account the current state of affairs at the present stage of state building, which is accompanied by constant changes in legislation and reforms of state bodies, our team regularly takes an active part in discussing draft new regulations, makes suggestions on improving the mechanisms of the application of these or other norms and requirements.

Reliability, responsibility, honesty

Our company is doing its best to provide our customers with stable quality and reliable service.

We always try to be a client-oriented team and make every effort to meet the goals set by our partners predictably qualitatively and on time.

We appreciate the value of our company's customers as a reliable partner for all, without exception, both complex and day-to-day affairs. Our principle of cooperation - together to victory!

We are always honest with our partners. Understanding all responsibility for the economic result of any transaction, we frankly evaluate the prospects and offer the best solutions.

We do not promise impossible, but we will do everything that depends on us to get the most profitable result.


We are responsible for the issues of non-disclosure of commercial and personal information of our partners. In this regard, the information about our clients is as closed as possible.

We guarantee that no information about our clients' external economic operations will be made known to any third parties, and moreover to competitors.

We respect the right of our clients to confidentiality, therefore, we always agree on the possibility of using a document in this work, especially in terms of production technology and product composition.

In our work, we pay great attention to the technical protection of information, our network is protected, as far as possible, from third-party interference.

Individual approach, customer orientation

When processing the requests of our clients, we try to provide an individual approach in each individual case.

We select the most psychologically compatible with our clients employees who thoroughly work out the tasks and offer the most optimal result.

Our employees are committed to fulfilling the objectives set for our partners.

Also, our company pays great attention to productive team work, in which each employee performs an individual task to get the best result in the fastest time.

ІНТЕРТРАНСГРУП Техогляд Львів - техогляд транспортного засобу у Львові Техоглядобов'язковий технічний контроль - у Львові сертифікація єкмт- білий сертифікат ЄКМТ сертифікація авто