Foreign economic activity of enterprises is connected with the export / import of goods across the border. This process is complex and multilevel, especially today, in the period of constant legislative changes and reorganizations in the executive structures. The period of reforms requires a dynamic adaptation to the challenges of the present and continuous improvement of the organization of work. In addition to forming a package of accompanying documents for the movement and customs clearance of goods, the participant of foreign economic activity must also regularly resolve other issues: transaction analysis and risk assessment, construction of optimal logistics, optimization of financial and time costs, changes in customs legislation, modern requirements for permits of Ukraine and foreign partners, preparation of documents for customs clearance, etc.

Our company will take on the decision of all necessary questions and representation of your interests both in customs bodies, and in all, without exception, bodies of state control.


ІНТЕРТРАНСГРУП Техогляд Львів - техогляд транспортного засобу у Львові Техоглядобов'язковий технічний контроль - у Львові сертифікація єкмт- білий сертифікат ЄКМТ сертифікація авто